Caesars Windsor attracts about six million visitors annually. Caesars bank had twenty-five banker shifts per week that were preparing and distributing up to sixty-five floats per day for their food and beverage and hotels. In an attempt to minimize errors, they forced users to accept one float type. On top of this they had issues with health and safety due to the weight of the floats and the distance to carry them.
Caesars carried not only a large float inventory from shift to shift but also a high working inventory in order to supply departments with the necessary funds to process their daily transactions.
In order to facilitate all of this they found themselves with over seven Excel spreadsheets to track such things as manual slips, outstanding floats and any increase in the number of floats. They also needed to track who signed out floats, who returned them and any discrepancies.
Download this case study to learn how we helped Caesars Windsor remove costs associated with managing cash through automation.
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